Roberts Perryman Presents At Truckload Carriers Association Safety & Security Meting, May 18-20


Using a mock trial format, this general session presented a factual scenario where a motor carrier had been involved in an accident on a rural two-lane highway. The circumstances presented demonstrated how issues such as safety, maintenance, hours of service, quality of driver and CSA are used in the courtroom to establish liability against the trucking company. More importantly, this session planted the seeds and laid the background to the jury’s decision that will be rendered on Day 2.

Continuing from Day 1, Day 2, had the audience as part of the jury and debated the issues that were presented when reviewing the evidence. Comparatively, the audience was allowed to see how real jurors reacted to the same evidence that was presented and understand the views that they took when they came to their decision, and see how the decision that our group of jurors came up with compares.


For more information please contact Jennifer Mason,