Roberts Perryman asked to Attend Illinois Trucking Association’s Annual Call on Washington


Ted Perryman and Jennifer Mason of Roberts Perryman attended the ITA’s Call on Washington on April 16-18th. In addition to Roberts Perryman, 18 other Illinois Trucking Association members from across the state journeyed to Washington, DC this week for the ITA’s annual Call on Washington. Illinois members were joined by state trucking associations from Tennessee, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.

On Monday afternoon, trucking industry leaders from all four states were briefed on federal issues by staff from the American Trucking Associations. On Tuesday, ITA members met with the offices of nearly every Illinois Congressman and Senator. ITA members discussed the need for a national clearinghouse for drug & alcohol test results as well as a stable supply of domestic energy. Members also expressed their opposition to expanded tolling and the need to replace the federal excise tax on new trucks.

ITA’s presence on Capitol Hill was timely as House members were busy discussing reauthorization of the federal highway bill and the Senate was debating tolls.