Jason Guerra Obtains Verdict for Trucking Company in Breach of Contract Lawsuit


Jason D. Guerra successfully represents trucking company in suit to recover damages for breach of contract. Defendant driver abandoned the company’s trailer in a long term parking facility in Arizona after making a delivery. Despite several requests and warnings from the trucking company, the driver refused to return the trailer to the company. More than 30 days after it was abandoned, the trucking company was finally able to locate and recover its trailer at its own expense. Once transported back to St. Louis, it was discovered that several components of the trailer had been removed or stolen, including the eight relatively new tires. The driver filed a counter claim for amounts he claimed were owed to him following his employment with the company. Following trial, judgment was entered in favor of the trucking company on June 4, 2014, including an award of attorney’s fees. The defendant was awarded nothing on his counter claim.  

For more information please contact Jennifer Mason at 314-421-1850, or jmason@robertsperryman.com