Roberts Perryman PC will be hosting the 2019 Trucking Leadership Symposium at the Busch Stadium Ballpark Village on June 12, 2019.
- Breakfast starts at 8am
- Opening remarks at 8:45am
- Lunch from noon until 1:15pm
- Presentations – see topics below
- Symposium concludes at 5pm, with a reception immediately following
This year motor carriers have NO REGISTRATION FEE; as a thank you to the trucking industry for all the hard work they do. Vendor fee for registration is $300 per attendee with a discount on 2 or more.
Registration Link – online registration & vendor payment
Hotel Block Link – Hilton Ballpark Village
Vendor Sponsorships – we have a limited amount of exclusive sponsorships still available. Contact Jennifer Mason for details.
Free parking for all attendees in the Ballpark Village parking lot!
*ATRI Update
*Samba, formerly Vigillo, CSA Changes
*Legal Landscape of Trucking
*State of Trucking Address
*Insurance Professionals Panel
*Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Roundtable
*Trucking Association State Executives Updates
*Drive Cam Panel
We strongly encourage you to register early as we expect limited capacity this year with carriers having free registration.
Please feel free to contact Jennifer Mason, jmason@robertsperryman.com, with questions. More details to follow soon!

For more information please contact Jennifer Mason, jmason@robertsperryman.com